Based on recent research, I have noticed that quite a number of people don’t know how to combine colors when it comes to picking suits or they just don’t know what kind of suit to wear.
I decided to write this and help you in making right choices when buying suits or combining different colors.
Here below are suits choices and combination that may be of help to you.
These suits are worn by Kess also known as @thefinestyler on Instagram.
Green x ash: beautiful silhouette styled with a black turtleneck shirt.
Patterned Grey/Gray suit: Corporate look styled with a white shirt and a white striped black tie.
White x Mirror color: Stunning view styled with a white turtleneck shirt.
White x ash: Streetstyled fashion styled with a beanie and a white turtleneck shirt. This is just effortless.
Green: styled with multicolored vintage shirt.
Patterned ash x plain navy blue: Corporate style
Purple x patterned shorts: Picnic or Influencers Hangout. Styled to perfection.
Red x grey/gray: Has a nice feel to it also styled with a white shirt and black tie.
Striped black : corporate style
Pray all blue styled with black shirt and a white beanie: very nice for fashion events.
Black x black and white patterned: suits are just the best.
There you have it, I hope it helps when thinking of what type of suit to hit, what design, what works for you may not work for someone else, also knowing the color combinations that you may want to try...